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Men's Hairstyles for the Office

Styling yourself for the corporate world can be difficult if you are the fashion conscious type. It can be tricky to get the right balance of bringing your style to the workplace without upsetting your boss or colleagues. You also need to think about your hair style too - ask yourself if it’s appropriate and if it’s your desired style.

Away From the Face 

A key tip for the work place is to make sure hair is kept away from your face. Regardless of if you can still see or not it will make you less approachable, and it could also be something affecting whether you get that promotion. This hairstyle requires very quick and simple styling using a small amount of hair putty through your hair. Comb the bulk of the front of you hair away from your face and run your fingers through it after to give it a natural and fuller look and fuller look. You can achieve this with either the faux hawk or pompadour hairstyle for a modern and smart look.

The Corporate Mohawk 

That’s right, there's a Mohawk for the corporate world - who knew? So just like your regular Mohawk (whilst keeping the sides really short) shave through a fade keeping it very short with slightly more hair on top. By running a small amount of putty or hair gum through your hair it’s really easy to style the top - just hold it in place with a small amount hair product such as putty, clay or paste.

Long Hair 

Long hair can cause a bit a difficulty if worn in the work place. The key to keeping this style understated is to keep it neat and tidy. Going back to my original advice of keeping your hair from your face, this is especially important when you have a long hair. Neatly comb it back, achieved using your hands and keep hair away from your face. Although the man bun is slowly fading, you can pull it back low and hold into place with a band.

For those balding... 

Although you may not want to accept you have a slight receding hairline, the worst mistake any man can make when it comes to balding is trying to cover their balding patches with a combover. Take some inspiration from Bruce Willis and go for the buzz cut and trim it down nice and short. You’ll look far smarter and tidier if you keep it this way - just remember to wear it with confidence.

Rakelle Maurici

With a thirst for exploration and over 10 years of writing experience, Rakelle is a keen fashion, travel and culture storyteller. Her work, from city guides to short stories, has been featured in both global print and digital media.

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