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How to Take Care of Knitwear

Winter clothes such as coats and heavy-duty sweaters are often a bigger investment in comparison to our summer staple items, and are often made from wools and cashmere which requires much more care and attention. So, to ensure you see these threads through many winters to come, you’ll need to be taking extra care of them. Here’s a guide on how to care for your luxury clothes this winter.


Wool garments easily attract fluff and hairs so get yourself a high-quality suede or goat hair brush to give them a once over after wearing them.


To keep the shape of a wool coat you need sturdy thick hangers - made from either wood or plastic - so the weight of the coat doesn’t stretch. Keep space around your thicker coats so they don’t crumple. Preferably you’ll want to put them into a garment bag to prevent moths getting to the fabric. With cashmere sweaters and cardigans fold them in three so you don’t get a line running down the middle. 


If you do happen to spill something down your coat, the first thing to do is not to rub it, this will push the stain deeper into the fabric. Use absorbent cloths and heavy towels and gently dab the stain away. If that doesn’t clear it then take it to a dry cleaner for a deeper cleanse.


It’s recommend to dry clean your coats twice per year, once at the beginning of the season and once at the end. Some wool coats can only be hand cleaned (it will be stated on the care label), so use cold water with a small amount of mild detergent. Then leave to soak for 5-10 minutes as this will clean any surface marks and smells. Gently squeeze excess water from it and leave to dry flat. The same applies to cashmere sweaters, they’re better hand washed in cold water twice a season with a cashmere shampoo to keep the harsh chemicals off it. It’s also important to not pick up a cashmere sweater by the shoulders when wet as this will stretch it. Instead keep it scrunched in a ball when moving.


Ideally you want to try and avoid this one, especially on a wool coat to prevent any damage to the fibres in the fabric. However, if you insist, place a bed sheet or pillow case over the garment, as this will ensure you do not burn it. With the iron on a low heat gently glide over the creased areas and use a little steam if you need to.

Rakelle Maurici

With a thirst for exploration and over 10 years of writing experience, Rakelle is a keen fashion, travel and culture storyteller. Her work, from city guides to short stories, has been featured in both global print and digital media.

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