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What Can You Do to Make Sure Your Child Has Healthy Teeth

To begin with, you can enrol your child in a good dental care program as soon as the first tooth begins to push through the gums. It may surprise you to know that primary teeth are more important than permanent teeth. A healthy set of baby teeth is essential for everyday eating and talking, and a growing adult jaw cannot support a full set of adult teeth without some help from the baby versions. Continuing this good dental care program throughout childhood will ensure that your child develops into an adult with healthy teeth into adulthood according to dentist Sidcup. Here are some tips on taking proper care of your child's pearly whites:

Set Good Examples 

Your child watches your every move, so try to display good dental care yourself when you are in the company of your child. That means not smoking and chewing tobacco because they can stain teeth. Brush at least twice a day, floss once a day, and always use mouthwash to kill germs in between brushings. Remember that cavities are caused by bacteria that feed on the sugars in our food and drinks, so limit sugary snacks and drinks as much as possible during meals. Creating good dental habits at a young age will lead to making other healthy lifestyle choices such as no smoking, regular exercise, and a healthy diet. The best way to instil a love of good habits in a child is by setting a good example yourself.

Make visits to the dentist a priority 

As soon as your child begins exhibiting interest in teeth, make a trip to the pediatric dentist for a visit and evaluation process. Some families worry about going to the dentist because they think it will hurt their child's feelings if she thinks they are concerned about her teeth. However, most kids love going to the dentist because that means getting to enjoy all of those cool gadgets and toys and they'll often get a sticker to wear. Besides, taking your child for regular visits from an early age sets up good habits for later on when you have more money invested in fixing mistakes from neglect. According to dentist Swindon your children should see a pediatric dentist at least once every six months until they turn 18 years old unless otherwise advised by your dentist. 

Visit orthodontist 

Even if you are diligent about brushing and flossing your child's teeth, your child may still need to wear braces at some point in his childhood. Whether or not the braces are needed is determined by many factors such as the shape of his teeth and how crowded they are inside his gums. This is why it is crucial to visit your local orthodontist for a checkup as soon as your child begins losing his baby teeth. Your dentist can refer you to an office with the right equipment and tools needed to keep track of your child's growing jawline and face outline. An orthodontist will be able to provide you with some helpful tips on how to encourage healthy eating habits during childhood so minor problems with teeth alignment can be resolved before they escalate into more serious issues later on in life.

Educate your child about oral hygiene 

Now that your child is seen by the dentist on a regular basis, you can speak to him about proper brushing and flossing techniques. At this age, it is best to teach children about oral hygiene in terms of visuals rather than words because they are more likely to remember something if it looks familiar. They may not be able to read yet, but most kids recognise pictures of vegetables and other things that will help them grow up healthy. You can also print out some charts with step-by-step instructions for brushing and flossing and post them next to toothbrushes and toothpaste so your child will get used to seeing the process every morning and night. 

Teach them to brush properly 

As soon as your child is old enough to use a toothbrush, begin teaching him how to brush properly. Most kids are not taught the right brushing technique until they go into kindergarten or first grade because their teacher will oversee this procedure. Remember that children do not have full control of their coordination until they are around four years old, so it might be best if an adult does the brushing for them until then. Your dentist can give you some tips on how to teach your child how to brush their teeth properly. It will also help to demonstrate the proper technique and allow them to mimic your actions until they learn how to do it on their own. Studies show that most children are taught oral hygiene only after their adult teeth have come in, which is why many people end up visiting a pediatric dentist for early intervention before age one. If your child suffers from an inherited disorder such as dental fluorosis, you should make sure he brushes his teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste before he even gets his first permanent tooth under the surface of the gums.

Watch what they eat and drink 

Even if your child is not allowed to have candy or soda at home, chances are very high that he will probably get ahold of some at school. In the event that he does come home with a cavity or two from his sweet tooth, it's important to instil good discipline and monitor his intake of sugars and acids. Also, be sure to keep a close eye on your child's intake of sugary drinks, because many kids end up drinking pop and juice all day long while they are at school. To make sure your child does not resort to unhealthy snack choices when they get a craving for something sweet or sugary during school hours, pack healthy alternatives such as fruits, nuts, or pretzels in their lunch box. Learning to have a healthy snack option will help them avoid the lure of junk food when they get hungry between meals at school. 

Parents need to remember that establishing good oral hygiene habits in childhood will lay the groundwork for their future growth and development. If dental problems are not treated immediately, they will inevitably lead to bigger issues down the road. if you follow these simple tips, your child will have a bright future ahead of them filled with even brighter smiles and happiness.

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