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The Ideal Age for a Car When Purchasing Secondhand

Whatever your reason for wanting to buy a secondhand car, you must choose the right one for your needs. Let's take a look at some of the pitfalls with buying a secondhand car that is too old or, possibly, even too new.

Mechanical Condition 

The condition of the car you are buying matters. Too old a car, or one that has been heavily used in the last few years, is almost sure to bring along with it a host of problems: dodgy fuel pump, fraying fan-belt, clogged spark plugs and a lot of excess wear and tear. These issues can start when the car is five years old and worsen with each passing year. However, buying too young a car comes with its own issues: cars that are subject to recalls usually have these occur after some six months to two years of use, so buying a second-hand car that is 'too young' means that you might buy the car just as these issues begin to manifest, and have to go through the process of having the problem sorted out – ideal second-hand cars are those that have stood the test of time, and proven to be reliable runners.

Financial Matters 

The older a car is, the cheaper it will be. But very old cars usually need a lot of time and attention, not to mention money, spending on them. Younger cars will be more expensive and can be more reliable, although again, with younger cars, the ready availability of spares and parts might be a problem. The best car is one somewhere between two and five years old, offering reliability alongside potential longevity – a win-win in the second-hand world. KAP offers used cars for sale in Brighton. Check them out if you feel inclined towards getting yourself a fully pre-inspected used car with warranty. 


Cars that are older than three years must have an MOT test every year. Buying a car that is two years old usually means that the first year, you will need no MOT test. At the third anniversary of the car's registration, you will need the car to have its first ever MOT. This is usually an easy pass, with few faults found. The second MOT is similar, with a slightly higher risk for some issues to have developed. You can then, perhaps, use the third MOT as your test as to whether you keep the car for another year, or sell it on and replace your vehicle with another two-year-old vehicle so you can enjoy some more years of trouble-free motoring.

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