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Top Tips to Improve Your Football Skills

Football is one of the most watched and enjoyed sports across the world and its popularity only continues to grow. There’s plenty of competition as many begin playing from a young age, so standing out can be difficult. Finding ways to develop your skills and your abilities is vital to becoming a better player. Whether you’re looking to start a professional career in football or just improve in general, check out our top tips to improve your football skills:

Attend a game 

If you love football, you’ll no doubt have already attended a match or two, but this is the perfect time to study the players and the different strategies they use. Getting to grips with what tactics work and what don’t will make it easier for you to learn and apply them on the pitch. When watching a match, why not look the part? Make sure to grab a football shirt before you go, so that you fit in with the crowd and show your team some support.


It may sound simple but learning how to control is seriously key to your performance and can hinder you if you skip over it. Make sure you keep your feet on the ball without kicking too far in front and practice dribbling around cones. You can start with smaller distances until you build up your confidence and are ready to move on. There are a few different types of dribbling in football that you’ll need to master, especially if you’re wanting to play professionally. 


Practice makes perfect and the best way to improve is to train regularly. This doesn’t necessarily have to be with a club or a local team, practicing in your garden or with friends at a nearby park can be just as effective. Training can help you hone your skills and identify which areas you need to improve. Of course, the main advantage of training is that you’ll skills will advance but it also makes you a more disciplined player that can play to the best of your ability.


Having a healthy lifestyle is essential when playing football, particularly if you’re wanting to reach a professional level. Having a balanced diet is just as important as having a fitness regime as you need to fuel your workouts without slowing your body down. This, along with regularly going to the gym will improve your stamina and benefit you when playing. 

Diet can make or break your performance so knowing what to eat and what not to eat is crucial. Have a look at the diet plan of a Premier League footballer so you not only eat like one but play like one too.

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