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6 Unhealthy Habits you Need to Ditch in 2021

We are already halfway through the year and some of us would be lying to ourselves if we said we’d stuck to our new year's resolutions of healthy diets and frequent exercise. In our day-to-day lives we start to pick up bad habits which could be having a detrimental impact on both our mental and physical health. Today, we will be discussing six unhealthy habits that you should consider ditching this year.

Losing Out on Sleep 

The importance of a good night's sleep cannot be stressed enough. If you are one of those people that tell yourself that you can survive on three hours sleep, we are here to tell you that it’s time to ditch that habit! As adults we should be getting around seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Your body needs rest so you can regain all your energy ready to take on a new day and let’s face it, no one feels good in the morning after an awful night's sleep. This article helps to highlight how poor sleep can link to physical problems and it can even weaken your immune system. There has never been a better time to ditch the late nights for a healthier, longer and cosier sleep.

Eating Too Many Microwave Meals 

Most of us live busy lifestyles and work can take up most of the week. After a busy day, it can be tempting to come in and throw on a microwave meal. If this sounds like you then now is the time to make some lifestyle changes that will have a positive impact on your health. Microwave meals are usually high in salt, and we should avoid consuming too much salt in our diets as it increases our blood pressure. Instead, swap out that microwave meal for some good old homemade cooking. Now, with the help of the internet, no one has to be a top chef to create a nice meal. In fact, the internet is full of quick and easy recipes for you to try. Cooking doesn’t have to be a chore and with the right mindset you may even find it quite therapeutic. 


It is no secret that smoking can damage your health. It is a bad habit that is hard to kick for many. However, with the help of online forums and a chat with your local GP, there are many steps that you can take to try and overcome this dangerous habit. E-cigarettes have grown in popularity in the UK and have helped many people quit smoking. It can help you manage your nicotine cravings, and they are easy to get hold of. You can purchase a range of e-cigarettes and e-liquid from sites such as E-cigarette Direct who have a catalogue of products which can help you on your way to ditching smoking for good.

Not Enough Exercise 

Life can be busy for most of us. However, no matter how busy you are it is crucial that you are getting enough exercise during the week. Physical activity has a lot of health benefits, and it can really help you feel good as well as look great. Everyone values exercise differently and if you are not the sportiest then you don’t have to feel guilty about not wanting to go to the gym every day. However, it is important that you explore other avenues such as walking or taking up a sport like football or tennis. 

Excessive Alcohol Consumption 

Most of us enjoy an alcoholic drink from time to time and there is nothing wrong with that if you enjoy it in moderation. Excessive alcohol consumption can have long-term health risks. It can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious health conditions like cancer, liver disease and high blood pressure. It is crucial that you cut down on alcohol both in the home and when you are out. You can find tips for cutting down on alcohol online and if you feel like it has become a serious problem then it is strongly advised that you speak with your doctor to see what you can do moving forward.

Forgetting Doctors' Appointments 

Speaking of doctors, that brings us to our final bad habit and one that a lot of us fall victim to - forgetting doctors' appointments. Although you may feel ok in yourself, regular health reviews can help to pick up on any underlying health issues that you have before they get out of hand. Major risks to your health could be identified and resolved before they become fatal. Going to the doctors can feel daunting and it can make most of us feel uneasy, but that is no reason to keep skipping those appointments. There is no shame in taking a friend or family member with you and failing to turn up could be a decision you hugely regret later down the line.

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