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Everything You Need for Day 1 at the Gym

Starting a new routine is always challenging, but it’s even more intimidating when going to the gym for the first time. New equipment, unfamiliar people, and a completely new routine can all be terrifying. Getting started at the gym can seem like an uphill battle, but you can make things much easier on yourself with some preparation. Once you get over that initial hurdle and start going to the gym regularly, you will find that it becomes second nature in no time. Being prepared ahead of time will make things much less stressful at first and help you stick with your new routine long-term.

Note Everything Down 

Working out is often a repetitive activity. If you are doing the same exercises repeatedly, you will probably get to a point where you remember them by heart. While you may be tempted to skip the written instructions in favour of relying on your memory, doing so is a bad idea. It’s easy to skip a step or do something incorrectly when you don’t have instructions to fall back on.

Wear Comfortable Clothing 

The last thing you want to do is show up to your first gym session in a brand-new outfit that isn't comfortable. You don’t want to jump into a full-blown workout on your first day and leave with chafing. Wear comfortable and flexible clothing, so you don’t have to worry about itching or being uncomfortable. That said, you don’t want to show up in your pyjamas. Wearing loose fitting, breathable clothing such as tracksuits from Champion is recommended. 

Have a Plan 

This doesn’t mean you have to have every set and exercise planned out, but you need to know what you would like to accomplish at the gym. If you go in without a plan, you are more likely to do whatever catches your eye. This can lead to wasted time and prevent you from seeing results quickly. You don’t have to have a three-month plan or anything, but having a basic outline or outline of what you would like to accomplish that day will help you stay focused and efficient.

Check Out the Equipment Beforehand 

This may seem like common sense, but before starting your workout, walk around and make sure you know where everything is. This includes the weights, machines, and the person mopping the floor. This will help you avoid getting distracted by something and wasting time. You may want to familiarize yourself with the machines before you use them. 

Ask for Help 

We get that you want to seem like you know what you are doing, but if there is anything you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to ask for help. This can apply to using the machines, putting on the weight, or even finding what you need to do. If you are not sure whether you are doing something correctly, ask. You don’t want to be injuring yourself because you didn’t know what you were doing wrong. 

If you go into the gym with a plan, you won’t have time to be nervous. You will be so focused on the workout ahead of you that you won’t have time to think about how scared you are. Knowing what you want to do and how to do it will help you avoid getting distracted and wasting time asking questions or using the wrong equipment.

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