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The Pros and Cons of Portable EV Chargers

Part of owning an electric vehicle (EV) is ensuring that your car is adequately charged. After all, you can only drive your car if its battery has enough power. That’s why, before you set out on your journey, it’s a good idea to take your vehicle to the nearest EV charging station and get it charged. Nowadays, it is quite easy to access commercial charging stations. For example, the Gobins commercial EV charging station solution makes it easier for businesses to set up and install the necessary infrastructure. Integrating these stations allows companies to attract eco-conscious customers, making it easier for them to stop by, charge up, and ideally spend more time during their visit. This move not only boosts customer satisfaction but also positions businesses as modern and committed to sustainable practices. However, not everyone has their own EV charger at home or is lucky enough to live near charging stations. To solve this issue, EV owners can search “EV charger installer near me” online so that they can have an EV charger professionally installed in their homes. Others may prefer getting a portable EV charger or level 2 EV chargers.

What is a Portable EV Charger? 

Like its name implies, a portable EV charger is an electric vehicle charging solution that you can transport and use anytime, anywhere. It’s a handy device when you’re driving long distances and in areas that don’t have EV charging stations. Although portable EV chargers are convenient, they have their fair share of downsides. If you’re thinking about investing in a portable EV charger, it’s in your best interest to dive into its pros and cons first, so that you can make an informed decision once the time to make a choice comes.

The Pros 

They Can Travel with You 

Unlike fixed home charging stations, portable EV chargers provide you with unparalleled flexibility. As mentioned, these devices enable you to charge your electric vehicle no matter where your drives take you—whether you're embarking on a road trip or simply driving to the store. The device’s portability factor also comes in handy for those who live in a flat or rental property. In these situations, installing or finding a fixed charging station may be challenging or even prohibited; thus, a portable EV charger serves as a practical alternative. 

They’re Perfect for Emergency Charging 

Running out of battery power in unfamiliar locations can happen when you least expect it. During critical times like this, having a portable charger in your electric vehicle can be a lifesaver. Depending on the situation, you can top up your EV's battery sufficiently to reach your destination or just enough to reach a safe place and call for help. This emergency charging capability provides you with a level of assurance and helps you navigate unforeseen circumstances without stress. 

They’re Easy to Install and Use 

Many portable EV charging stations are designed for plug-and-play installations. Thus, you don’t need to learn a specialised skill or hire a professional to use these devices. Thanks to their simplicity, portable EV chargers are an attractive option for those seeking a quick and hassle-free charging solution. 

They’re Compatible with Various EVs 

Portable EV charging stations are designed to be compatible with a wide range of electric vehicle models. This is particularly advantageous when travelling to different regions or using public charging stations with varying outlet specifications. Simply put, a portable EV charger can accommodate your charging needs, whether you drive a compact electric car or a spacious electric SUV.

The Cons 

They Have a Slow Charging Speed 

While portable EV chargers offer flexibility and convenience, one notable drawback is their relatively slow charging speed compared to dedicated charging stations. The charging capacity of portable chargers is often lower, resulting in longer charging times for your electric vehicle. This can be a significant consideration for EV with high daily mileage or those who rely on their vehicles for frequent long-distance travel. 

They Can Be Heavy to Bring Around 

Another drawback associated with portable EV chargers is their potential weight, which can vary depending on the charger's design and specifications. Even though the goal is to keep these chargers compact and lightweight for ease of transport, some models may still be relatively heavy compared to their size. In scenarios where you need to move the charger frequently, such as while travelling, the weight can impact its overall convenience and practicality. It’s important to factor in the weight of the portable charger and evaluate whether it aligns with your mobility and usage requirements. 

They Have Limited Features 

Compared to some dedicated home charging stations, portable EV chargers may come with limited features. Since these devices have a straightforward design, they may not have smart charging capabilities, scheduling options, or detailed charging metrics. This drawback may not make them less appealing to EV owners who are looking for advanced features and smart functionalities in their EV charging solutions. 

They’re More Prone to Wear and Tear 

Because of their structure, portable EV chargers are more susceptible to wear and tear. The constant folding and unfolding of components can cause physical damage, while exposure to different weather conditions or being stored in less controlled environments—such as the boot of a car—may contribute to accelerated wear.

A portable EV charging station enables you to charge your EV wherever you may be. However, even though this device can make your EV charging experience more convenient, it does have some flaws. Now that you know the pros and cons of portable EV chargers, you now have a better idea of whether investing in this device is a choice you should pursue.

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